The Black Boys, also known as the Brave Fellows and the Loyal Volunteers, were members of a white settler movement in the Conococheague Valley of colonial Pennsylvania sometimes known as the Black Boys Rebellion. The Black Boys, so-called because they sometimes blackened their faces during their actions, were upset with British policy regarding American Indians  … Read more

Redstone Old Fort or Redstone Fort or (for a short time when built) Fort Burd was built by Pennsylvania Militia Colonel James Burd to guard the Nemocolin Trail’s river ford; a trail long used by the American Indians that connected the watersheds of the Potomac River with the Monongahela River. It was built on an  … Read more

Fort Machault was the third of four forts placed along the water route from Lake Erie to the Ohio River by the French to protect their claim to the Ohio Country. Originally just a camp (Camp Machault), it replaced the incomplete Fort d’Anjou, started in that year, at the confluence of French Creek and the  … Read more

Most American’s are more familiar with English, Spanish and French colonialism in America. So, many are not familiar with the fact that for more than 20 years in the early 17th century, the Swedes participated in Colony building in North America. At the height of “New Sweden”, several hundred colonists inhabited territory across modern Pennsylvania,  … Read more