A Brief History of Fort LeBoeuf: July, 1753
Fort LeBoeuf, the second of a string of four forts built to by the French to keep the British out of the Ohio country, which the French claimed for themselves, it was completed in the Spring of 1754. Built on French Creek (Waterford, Pa), which flowed to the Allegheny River and ultimately to the Ohio River, it was about 15 miles from Lake Erie. The fort guarded the southern end of the portage road between the Lake Erie and French Creek. George Washington stopped here in December 1753 during his diplomatic mission for Virginia toaks the French to leave the territory. It served as a French trading post and garrison until 1759, when the capture of Fort Niagara forced the French to abandon the Ohio Country. The empty fort was quickly taken over the British, only to lose it themselves during Pontiac’s War. The fort was taken and burned by the Indians 18 June 1763.